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Cognitive biases that will put your brand in the customer's mind

Cognitive biases that will put your brand in the customer's mind

the sCognitive biases are distortions that affect the way we perceive our environment and we make decisions. These prejudices are inherent to human beings and can influence the consumer's reasoning ability. In the world of marketing, specialists can capitalize on these biases to effectively position your brand in the customer's mind.

The fact is that the biases They are inherent to the human being and influence the consumer's reasoning ability.. An example of this is the old saying that the more visible a product is, the more sales it will generate. Hannibal Lecter already said it in The silence of the lambs: we begin to covet what we see. But you don't have to get sinister to learn which cognitive biases can help your brand.

8 cognitive biases that will help you position your brand in the customer's mind

1. Confirmation bias

People tend to look for information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs. A brand can take advantage of this bias by creating situations that confirm the consumer's beliefs about certain aspects of the product, increasing their likelihood of purchase.

2. Loss Aversion

Generating a sense of potential loss can be a powerful marketing trick. This bias suggests that consumers would rather avoid a loss than make an equivalent gain, so focusing on what they could lose if they don't buy your product can drive their purchasing decision.

3. Choice support bias

Humans are more likely to make a decision and then justify it to their loved ones. According to this bias, consumers often make illogical decisions and then present logical arguments to justify their purchase. In marketing terms, if a product manages to build a desirability factor in the consumer's mind, he or she will buy it first and justify it later. This is a bias closely associated with compulsive buying.

4. Drag effect

The drag effect, very related to fashion and trends, is a cognitive bias that consumer goods companies and political organizations take full advantage of. The principle that animates the third of our cognitive biases is that a consumer is more likely to buy a product that is already popular. An advertising campaign that focuses on sales already achieved would be based on this bias.

5. Framing effect

According to the framing effect, Consumers are more likely to make a purchase based on the way a product is presented. If a deficiency of a product is presented as a beneficial feature through puns, it is more likely to be a success. For example, if you say that a vaccine has a 90% chance of preventing a disease, you will be more successful than if you explain that by taking it, you only expose yourself to a 10% risk of contracting it.

6. Salience bias

Products that stand out from the rest are more attractive to consumers. Attractive packaging design or unique features that differentiate the product can capitalize on this bias.

7. Anchoring bias

According to the anchoring bias, a consumer is likely to buy the product he or she first hears about. Anchoring creates a brand memory in the minds of consumers that results in the sale of the “anchored” product.

8. Favorite bias

Consumers seek to buy products that are preferred by their circle. If several co-workers buy the same type of car, it is likely that the next person to change vehicles will also opt for it. To take advantage of this bias, marketers can promote products based on groups or regions. They can produce the illusion that a particular product is the favorite of the inhabitants of a particular region. This way, new consumers in the area will be attracted to the product, which will translate into better sales and potentially higher profits. Do you remember the slogan “the coffee of the very coffee lovers”? It is based on the favorite bias.

These are just 8 of the most common cognitive biases that can help you build brand awareness. Still not entirely sure how to use them? No problem! Contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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